Sunday, July 29, 2018

How do Truckers Exercise?

Well, if you’ve seen most truckers. They don’t.
As you probaly have seen, most truckers look like the picture above.
I plan not to look like this.

My trainer, a rather skinny driver has an interesting hobby. And there was a roller rink right across the parking lot from our hotel.
So, I joined him.
2 hours of skating, plus my rental skates. And they just happened to be having a family free pizza night. All for $7.50. Not bad for 2 hours of some clean fun exercise. 

Below is him, showing off some moves.
He keeps his skates in the truck and has skated at roller rinks all over the U.S. when time permits. I think i may have to put my rollerblades on my list of things to put in my truck as well. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Trucker Humor - Schneider Eggs

Have you seen any Schneider Eggs? My Trainer asks me. What are Schneider eggs? I ask.

So apparently there is an ongoing joke in the trucker community about this. These are Schneider eggs.

And below are the Schneider trucks that lay them.

So the full process.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What is going on with Christopher Goodman.

Family and Friends.

I am starting a new chapter in my life. A new adventure. I have graduated from Roadmaster Truckers School, by Earning my CDL or Commecial Drivers Licence. And have signed on to be a Truck Driver with Werner Enterprises, A global transportation company.
I have already been assigned a trainer and am already out on the road driving. This training period will last about 4-6 weeks. When I complete my training, I will be evaluated by the Safety Department, then be assigned my own truck. Having been in, and driven in my Trainers KenWorth T680, I hope I am assigned one for myself. Or maybe one similar where the front seats swivel around when not driving.

In my first half of a week I have already completed 3 loads, and have the 4th on the way to its destination. Visited The Phoenix Arizona terminal, Headquarters in Omaha Nebraska, And the Henderson Colorado terminal just outside of Denver. 

I am really exited to see more of the United State, and have already been to 5 states I have never been to before. Grey States are places I have been, light Blue are states while I was in the truck but not driving, Dark Blue are the states I have Driven the Truck in.